Leap motion Skeletal tracking in max
We developed a new object for using the Leap Motion in Max, based on the Leap Motion SDK V2 Skeletal Tracking Beta
We developed a new object for using the Leap Motion in Max, based on the Leap Motion SDK V2 Skeletal Tracking Beta
The piece Five Out of Six by Christopher Trapani for small ensemble and electronics won the the ICMC 2014 Best Piece Award
We just released the beta version of Mubu.*mm, a set of objects for probabilistic modeling of motion and sound relationships
DIRTI for iPad is featured in Apple’s 30 years video called 1.24.14
DIRTI for iPad, the world’s first tapioca interface, lets young children control an audiovisual experience by playing with a bowl of tapioca
Dirty Tangible Interfaces (DIRTI) are a new concept in interaction design that forgoes the dogma of repeatability in favor of a richer and more complex experience, constantly evolving, irreversible &…
The Interlude project, coordinated by our team won the ANR Award: “Prix ANR du Numérique 2013 – Impact sociétal”
Since about 5 years, CataRT is used extensively as a performance instrument by a growing number of musicians, and has stabilised and been tried and tested in many performances
CataRT has been chosen out of 29 submissions of new musical instruments by 2 upcoming composers within the Inventor Composer Coaction.