Award AFIM Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur for Matéo Fayet, ISMM/PRISM
Matéo Fayet was awarded the Prix “Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur” by the AFIM (Association Francophone d’Informatique Musicale), JIM (Journées dées dé…
Matéo Fayet was awarded the Prix “Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur” by the AFIM (Association Francophone d’Informatique Musicale), JIM (Journées dées dé…
Aliénor Golvet a reçu le Prix de l’Association Francophone d’Informatique Musicale (AFIM) Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur 2023, pour l’article qu’elle a pr&ea…
Saturday June 19, 2-6pm at Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, 46, rue Quincampoix, Paris (no reservation) and online (link to appear soon)
The paper SonicHoop: Using Interactive Sonification to Support Aerial Hoop Practicess, by Wanyu Liu, Artem Dementyev, Diemo Schwarz, Emmanuel Flety, Wendy E. Mackay, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Frederic …
Benjamin Matuszewski presented Soundworks - A Framework for Networked Music Systems on the Web - State of Affairs and New Developments at the Web Audio Conference WAC'19 and was awarded Best Paper!
The prize awards the interactive storry telling "La Géante Endormie”, presented during the festval "Nuit Blanche 2018", created in collaboration with Ircam-STMS, C…
The composer Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch starts in Fall 2019 an artistic research residency at IRCAM associated with the ISMM team (2019-2020). On the one hand we will continue the work initiated during a…
In a close collaboration with the Sound Music Movement team (IRCAM) this project proposes the creation of a sonic environment from which emerges an interactive and collective musical work. Configured…
Pavlos Antoniadis (PhD University of Strasbourg-IRCAM, MA University of California, San Diego) has won the 2019 PhD prize of the University of Strasbourg for his work Embodied navigation of…