Mathemusical Encounters in Singapore : a Diderot Legacy
Mathemusical Encounters in Singapore : a Diderot Legacy (19 Feb 2024–23 Feb 2024) Organizing Committee Co-chairs …
The Musical Representations team works on the formal structures of music and creative environments for composition, and musical interaction. This work finds application in computer-assisted composition (CAC), performance, improvisation, interpretation, and computational musicology. Reflection on the high-level representation of musical concepts and structures supported by original computer languages and mathematical representations developed by the team, leads to the conception of models which can be used for musical analysis and creation.
Mathemusical Encounters in Singapore : a Diderot Legacy (19 Feb 2024–23 Feb 2024) Organizing Committee Co-chairs …
Wednesday 10 January 2024
- Ircam
Sex Machine !
Wednesday 15 November 2023
- Ircam
Soutenance de thèse : Gonzalo ROMERO-GARCÍA « Morphologie mathématique pour l'analyse et la génération de représentations temps-fréquen…
Tuesday 14 November 2023
- Ircam
A l'occasion de ce séminaire, l'équipe Représentations musicales du Laboratoire STMS vous invite à rencontrer Dmitri Tymoczko, enseignant de l'université d…
Résumé The candidate will integrate the RepMus team of the STMS lab. His/her research will consist in carrying out work likely to renew strategies and methods in the field of a…
Horse Lords meets the researchers of the REACH project at ircam and experiment improvised interaction with the Somax2 Cocreative AI system.
Joëlle Léandre is experimenting with AI human-machine interaction in the framework of the Reach project with Gérard Assayag, Mikhail Malt and Marco Fiorini, using the Somax2 software from this proje…
Le projet REACH explore les conditions de co-créativité entre musiciens et intelligence artificielle dans un contexte d’interaction vivante, notamment pour les musique…
Improtech 2023 aura lieu à Uzeste du 11 au 13 août.