Somax2 Examples for CMJ

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Joëlle Léandre is experimenting with AI human-machine interaction in the framework of the Reach project with Gérard Assayag, Mikhail Malt and Marco Fiorini, using in particular the Somax2 software from this project on CoCreativity and Creative AI.

Watch the Reaching Out ! Joëlle Léandre documentary as well as video recordings of studio sessions  and audio album in preparation wit a selection of pieces.

To have established the double bass as a solo instrument already makes her a pioneer, but her prolific work and her international influence also make her exemplary. With 220 albums recorded to date, numerous honors and constant activity, Joëlle Léandre is one of the greatest contemporary French musicians. More than 40 composers have written for her and her instrument. In parallel, she has developed free improvisation, which she has been playing and transmitting with unabated joy for half a century. [..]

Anne Yven, for Philarmonie de Paris (read full article)

Joëlle Léandre will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award in New York on June 13, 2023, before a concert at Ircam on June 16, 2023 during the Manifeste festival.

Watch a series of Somax2 demo videos showing the versatility of Somax2 using materials drawn from great XXth century masters and reacting ("co-improvising") to various kind of inputs.

Find all the demo videos here.

Somax 2  is provided with a set of interactive tutorials, helps, user's guide, patch templates for you to be able to learn quickly and customize it to your creative needs.

Go to the Somax2 Project page to get all the info you need to install, learn and use Somax2.

Go to REACHing OUT! the general information page of the REACH project SOmax2 is part of.


The Somax 2 project is part of the ANR project MERCI (Mixed Musical Reality with Creative Instruments) ANR-19-CE33-0010, and the ERC project REACH (Raising Co-creativity in Cyber-Human Musicianship) ERC-ADG-19-883313. PI : Gérard Assayag, Music Representation Team, IRCAM STMS Lab (CNRS, Sorbonne University, Ministry of Culture).

REACHing OUT! Reach news, medias, creations, ...


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