Collegium Musicae
Damien BOUVIER a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat réalisée au sein de l’équipe Systèmes et signaux sonores : Audio/Acoustique, instruMents (S3AM) du laboratoire STMS – (Ircam/CNRS/Sorbonne Université), i…
Several works of the S3AM team are presented
The “NESS” team (Next Generation Sound Synthesis, ERC project) of the University of Edinburgh
Tuesday 12 July 2016
- Ircam
Antoine Falaize will defend his PhD work entitled: “Modeling, Simulation, Code Generation and Correction of Multi-Physical Audio Systems [...]”
Wednesday 15 June 2016
- Ircam
Nicolas LOPES, will defend his PhD work entitled: “Passive approach for the modelling, the simulation and the study of a robotised test bench for brass instruments.”
Tuesday 7 June 2016
- Mines ParisTech - Université PSL
Dans le cadre du cours de Mécatronique de l’Ecole des Mines
Tuesday 16 February 2016
Team “Recherche opérationnelle et mathématiques appliquées”
Wednesday 20 January 2016
- Informatics Forum, The University of Edinburgh