Invited seminar: Thomas Hélie, New tools for modelling musical systems and exploring musical sound

In this presentation, I will present a few scientific and technological tools that we develop to model physical systems and to process sound signals. The introduction will be devoted to a short description of some activities of the Project-Team S3 in physical modelling, nonlinear systems, robotics, sound synthesis and sound analysis. Then, selected works will be deepened.

  • Port-Hamiltonian systems: sound synthesis based on the guaranteed-passive simulation of physical models.
  • Fractional filters: modelling and simulation of a class of low-pass filters, the slope of which can be continuously tuned from 0 (unit gain) to -6 decibel per octave (1 pole filter).
  • SnailAnalyser: a frequency-domain analyser that delivers in real-time an intuitive representation of sounds based on the chromatic alignment of spectral active zones.

Sound examples and demonstrations will be given along this presentation:

  • Port-Hamiltonian systems:

Son diapo 19

Son diapo 20

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