Collegium Musicae
The S3AM team creates theoretical, technological, and experimental tools based on multiphysic systems and the sound signals they produce. The team is interested in exploring, understanding, reproducing, and inventing sound objects in audio, acoustics, focusing on musical instruments and the production of the human voice.
Damien BOUVIER a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat réalisée au sein de l’équipe Systèmes et signaux sonores : Audio/Acoustique, instruMents (S3AM) du laboratoire STMS – (Ircam/CNRS/Sorbonne Université), i…
Several works of the S3AM team are presented
The “NESS” team (Next Generation Sound Synthesis, ERC project) of the University of Edinburgh
Tuesday 12 July 2016
- Ircam
Antoine Falaize will defend his PhD work entitled: “Modeling, Simulation, Code Generation and Correction of Multi-Physical Audio Systems [...]”
Wednesday 15 June 2016
- Ircam
Nicolas LOPES, will defend his PhD work entitled: “Passive approach for the modelling, the simulation and the study of a robotised test bench for brass instruments.”
Tuesday 7 June 2016
- Mines ParisTech - Université PSL
Dans le cadre du cours de Mécatronique de l’Ecole des Mines
Tuesday 16 February 2016
Team “Recherche opérationnelle et mathématiques appliquées”
Wednesday 20 January 2016
- Informatics Forum, The University of Edinburgh