GAP-SFA and STMS Scientific day

"Acoustics of voice and speech: models, measurements, testbeds"

  • Seminars

The Speech Acoustics Group (GAP) of French Acoustical Society and the STMS Laboratoire Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son (IRCAM-CNRS-SU-Ministère de la culture) organize a scientific day "Acoustics of voice and speech: models, measurements, testbeds", open to all with free registration.

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10h30 (T. Hélie, N. Henrich Bernardoni): Welcome to STMS laboratory and presentation of French Acoustical Society and Speech Acoustics Group

Keynote speakers
10:40 (Peter Birkholz):
How physical models of the vocal apparatus help us understand speech production
11:20 (Yves Laprie):
Dynamic vocal-tract shape prediction by deep learning on real-time MRI data
12:00 (Hugo Lehoux):
Biomechanics and acoustics of vocal production: excised larynx, vocal registers and kinematic modeling
12h40 – 14h10 : Lunch break
(not included)
14:10 (Stefan Kniesburges):
Multimodal analysis of speech production

Presentations of GAP members
14:50 (Aude Lagier):
Functional anatomy of voice, what observation of the larynx during phonation of dysphonic and non-dysphonic patients brings to voice understanding
15:15 (Thierry Legou) : 
Investigating phonation through excised human larynges: recent developments and ongoing works on an animated testbench
15:40 (Lucie Bailly):
Design of self-oscillating biomimetic vocal folds : materials, mechanics and vibrations
16:05-16:35 Coffee break
(Galerie, Ircam level -2) 
16:35 (Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni):
Development of a mechatronic avatar to produce voice, speech and singing
17:00 (Thomas Hélie, Henri Boutin): 
Robotic experimental testbeds: from brass instruments to voice
17:25 (Thomas Hélie, Fabrice Silva):
Vocal apparatus and modeling in Port-Hamiltonian systems
17:50 (Fabrice Silva, Soizic Terrien, Christophe Vergez):
Analysis of Regime and bifurcations: first results on a minimal model of the vocal apparatus and on wind instruments
18:15 (Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni):
conclusion and discussions

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