The management team of the unit is composed of:
the director of the unit : Brigitte d'Andréa-Novel (PR)
the deputy director: Nicolas Misdariis
the scientific leaders (team leaders and project leaders): Thomas Hélie (S3AM), Olivier Warusfel (EAC), Nicolas Misdariis (PDS), Axel Roebel (AS), Frédéric Bevilacqua (ISMM), Gérard Assayag (RepMus), Nicolas Donin (APM) and Jean-Julien Aucouturier (CREAM project)
The management team relies on the laboratory council and benefits from the expertise of the Ircam Scientific Council in the analysis of the scientific situation and technical orientations.
Within the framework of the CNRS, the laboratory is attached primarily to the Institut des sciences et technologies de l'information et de ses interactions (INS2I) and secondarily to the INSIS (Engineering and Systems Sciences), INSHS (Human and Social Sciences) and INSB (Biological Sciences) institutes.
Within the framework of Sorbonne University, the laboratory is integrated into the Faculty of Engineering, a member of the Collegium Musicæ of Sorbonne University and a partner of the doctoral schools EDITE, SMAER and ED3C.
The laboratory has also developed a partnership with INRIA by hosting the MuTAnt project team from 2012 to 2016.
The activities of the laboratory are evaluated by the HCERES and by its tutelles. As foreseen by the statutes of Ircam, the strategic research orientations are presented annually to the "Conseil de laboratoire" and the Scientific Council of the Institute.