MERCREDIS DE STMS - AudioStellar, by Leandro Garber and Agustín Spinetto

  • Seminars

MERCREDIS DE STMS welcome Leandro Garber and Agustín Spinetto. Invited by the Analysis/Synthesis Team of STMS (Ircam, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Ministère de la Culture), they will present AudioStellar, an open-source experimental sampler using dimensionality reduction technique.

This event can also be followed on the Ircam YouTube channel:


AudioStellar is an experimental sampler that allows creative practitioners to process a sound corpus through a dimensionality reduction pipeline, and provides a rich interface for exploring and playing audio clips in novel ways. The user interacts with a 2D sound map that can be played by spawning autonomous agents, defining rhythmic constellations, drawing free trajectories in latent space, or creating custom heuristics using MIDI and OSC. AudioStellar is free, open source and available for Linux, Mac and Windows


Leandro Garber was born in Buenos Aires and is an artist, teacher, programmer and data scientist. He holds a degree in Electronic Arts from the "Universidad de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)" and a Master in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery from the "Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)". He conducts several courses on artificial intelligence applied to art in universities and other institutions. Since 2018 he leads a research team at UNTREF where AudioStellar, an experimental sampler using novel artificial intelligence techniques, was born. The project has appeared in several national and international conferences and meetings. Since 2007 he has recorded 8 albums and performs in live shows with different groups playing acoustic and electronic instruments.

Agustín Spinetto is a musician, sound artist and professor from Argentina based in Tokyo. Bachelor in Electronic Arts in his home country at the UNTREF University, he had worked as a professor at the same university to later move to Japan and graduate with a Master's Degree in Music and Sound Creation at the Tokyo University of the Arts - 東京藝術大学 . His Master’s thesis was related to the use of visual and digital interfaces for music performance.

Since his bachelor time, he has been working with electronic and acoustic music instruments and using new technologies for music experimentation purposes. His works cover a wide variety of techniques, from Live Electronics concerts to Art Collaboration with visual and plastic artists. His works have been presented at Galleries, Universities and venues in Buenos Aires, New York, Seoul, Austria and Tokyo. Along with his art exhibitions and music compositions, it is possible to recognize a common thread of, time, distance, migration and social conscience. Furthermore, he is a professor in the Communication Studies Mayor at Temple University, Japan Campus.

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