JJCAAS 2023 - Journées Jeunes Chercheur-se-s en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio

The Journées Jeunes Chercheur-se-s en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio (JJCAAS), a major event for the young audio-acoustic community, are back after three years of absence. During these days, young researchers present their work on various themes, around sound, from speech perception to physical modeling of instruments, through sound synthesis and electroacoustics.

The program of these days includes:

  • three-minute "lightning" sessions to stimulate curiosity, followed by poster sessions to give way to exchanges;
  • presentations by recognized researchers and our industrial partners;
  • round tables, in the form of a discussion between specialists on the same subject with different approaches;
  • a visit to Ircam, with a highlight in the "Projection Space" recently reopened to the public;
  • a PhD Market, to put young researchers in touch with their future academic or industrial employers;
  • a gala evening, to make these days a real social event.

Organization Société française d'acoustique (SFA)


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