"Les Mercredis STMS" on Wednesday 25 September 2024 welcome Benjamin Matuszewski, researcher in the Sound, Music and Movement Interaction team at the STMS laboratory (IRCAM, CNRS, Sorbonne University, French Ministry of Culture) and Etienne Démoulin, computer music designer.
They present their project SO(a)P UPI.
The objective of the SO(a)P UPI was to facilitate communication and interoperability between the soundworks framework (which is at the basis of the ISMM team's JavaScript developments) and existing musical tools and environments, such as Max or PureData, that are widely used in production. Initially envisioned around the OSC technology finally poorly suited to supporting dynamic networks, the project has largely evolved to focus on the different possibilities of using the node.script object and more generally Web technologies within the Max software through different libraries, applications and demonstrators. Additionally, the project allowed the development of the soap-score mini-language, inspired by the Antescofo syntax and dedicated to describing the general structure of score in a musically meaningful way. The work carried out during the project was the subject of a publication at the Web Audio Conference in 2022 and of a presentation at Marées Max in September 2024.
Étienne Démoulin is a computer music designer who produces works of mixed music, focusing his research around alternative sound production techniques (transducers, embedded and distributed audio). He performs electronic music in concert, notably with ensembles such as the Balcon and the Percussions de Strasbourg. He sonorizes concerts and contributes to the development of new sound techniques for live shows. In September 2022, he joined the Next ensemble, within the “Artist Diploma” 3rd cycle training at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris.
Benjamin Matuszewski, PhD in Aesthetics, Sciences and Technologies of the Arts, studied music and musicology before working several years as a developer in the media industry. Since 2014, he is a researcher and developer in the Sound Music Movement Interaction Team at Ircam, where he conducts a transdisciplinary research between engineering, music, design and HCI on distributed and interactive music systems based on Web technologies.