DJAZZ system, by Daniel BROWN

  • Seminars

Les  Mercredis de STMS on 15 May 2024 will welcome Daniel BROWN, postdoctoral fellow in the ‘Musical Representations’ team at the STMS laboratory (Ircam, CNRS, Sorbonne University, French Ministry of Culture), who will present his research on the Djazz system.


The Djazz system was created by Marc Chemillier in collaboration with Gérard Assayag, Georges Bloch, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Mikhail Malt and Jérôme Nika, then developed by Daniel Brown as part of the ERC REACH programme within the RepMus team.

Djazz interacts with human performers and improvises in real time from different musical traditions, using the string-processing algorithm known as the factor oracle. We shall present elements of this algorithm and its applications music generation as well as architecture of this system and its possibilities for further development.


Daniel Brown is researcher in computer music. He has been working in the "Musical Representations" team at IRCAM for one year. Before joining the STMS laboratory, he developed generative music plugins for the video game industry. He received a PhD in music composition from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2012, where he studied under the direction of David Cope, and a BA in discrete mathematics from the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA). He is also a composer and cellist

DJAZZ System

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