Les mercredis de STMS : Diemo Schwarz & Etienne Demoulin

  • Research
  • Seminars

"Les Mercredis STMS "du 11 septembre 2024 welcome Diemo Schwarz, researcher with the Interaction Son Musique et Mouvement (ISMM) team at the STMS laboratory (Ircam - CNRS - Sorbonne University - French Ministry of Culture), and Etienne Demoulin computer music director.

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Meeting ID: 896 7695 2100 / Secret Code: 396389


We will present the results of the RIRIRI (Room Impulse Response Interactive Retrieval and Inspection) UPI project for the perceptual description, representation, and interactive retrieval of room impulse responses (RIRs) from collections by using spatio–timbral content descriptors. Employing established audio analysis techniques and spatial interaction paradigms from the CataRT system for corpus-based concatenative synthesis (CBCS), the developed application provides an efficient, intuitive, and user-friendly means of navigating RIR collections based on perceptual and spatial attributes.
There is a growing number of RIR collections available for which interactive navigation in a 2D descriptor space provides a more intuitive access than scrolling through lists, which unlocks the true richness of these collections. The project's outcomes include some collections of RIRs with pre-calculated descriptors, enhancing the systematic utilization of RIRs, and opening up perspectives for reverb model inversion and a standalone RIR browser.


Étienne Démoulin is a computer music designer who produces works of mixed music, focusing his research around alternative sound production techniques (transducers, embedded and distributed audio). He performs electronic music in concert, notably with ensembles such as the Balcon and the Percussions de Strasbourg. He sonorizes concerts and contributes to the development of new sound techniques for live shows. In September 2022, he joined the Next ensemble, within the “Artist Diploma” 3rd cycle training at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris.

Diemo Schwarz is a researcher at Ircam (STMS laboratory), electronic music composer and improvising musician. His scientific research focuses on the interaction between musician and machine, on the exploitation of large masses of sound for real-time and interactive sound synthesis, either to give musicians immediate and expressive access to electronic sound worlds through gesture control, or for consumer installations with intuitive tangible interfaces, such as DIRTI (Dirty Tangible Interfaces). In 2017, he was a visiting professor at the Technical University of Berlin as part of the DAAD's Edgar-Varèse programme, and in 2022, a resident at the IMéRA Institute for Advanced Research, Aix-Marseille University, as part of the arts, sciences, societies programme. 

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