Will my piece still be playable the day after the Premiere?
"Les mercredis de STMS" welcome Miller Puckette, Professor Emeritus of University of California, San Diego, and visiting researcher at STMS laboratory in Musical Representation Team (CNRS, Sorbonne Université, IRCAM, Ministère de la Culture).
Miller Puckette will be presenting his new Reality Check tool.
In collaboration with Carlo Laurenzi (RIM) and Philippe Manoury (composer), I'm using Manoury's upcoming opera, Die Letzten Tage der Menschheit, as a testing ground for a new system called Reality Check, that can run an entire computer music realization virtually to test whether it works correctly or not. Without such a tool it can be very hard to maintain a library of music realizations, as IRCAM now does. At present, any piece that hasn't been performed for a year or more has to be manually tested - and usually updated - in order to run it anew. Manoury's opera, which uses dozens of processes and effects controlled by over a thousand parameters and is adaptable to different spatialization regimes, provides an excellent real-world demonstration of the use of the Reality check system, and also some useful lessons in how to organize live music realizations in order to keep them alive for the long term.
Miller Puckette is known as the creator of the Max and Pure Data real-time computer music software environments. As an MIT student he won the 1979 Putnam mathematics competition. His PhD in mathematics is from Harvard University. He was a researcher at the MIT Media lab from its inception until 1986, then at IRCAM (where he is now a visiting researcher), and is distinguished professor emeritus at the University of California, San Diego. He has been a visiting professor at Columbia University and the Technical University of Berlin, and has won two honorary degrees, the 2008 SEAMUS award, and the 2023 Silver Lion of the
Venice Biennale Musica.