MERCREDI DE STMS: Jérôme Sueur and Sébastien Gaxie

Introduction to ecoacoustics: listening to and analyzing the living world

  • Research
  • Seminars

Mercredi de STMS welcomes composer Sébastien Gaxie and Jérôme Sueur to Ircam on December 6, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Jérôme Sueur is a teacher-researcher at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle de Paris (MNHN), where he leads research in eco-acoustics (

Jérôme Sueur's work, which weaves together animal behavior, ecology and acoustics, leads him to question the sound dimension of nature: its composition, evolution and the perception that living beings can have of it. With Actes Sud, he has published Le Son de la Terre (2022) and Histoire naturelle du silence (2023).

Jérôme Sueur presents his "Introduction to ecoacoustics: listening to and analyzing the living world".

Summary: Ecoacoustics, a rapidly expanding discipline, aims to monitor biodiversity through the automatic recording and analysis of soundscapes. Using two examples of long-term forest monitoring, we will look at current technical developments (automated recording, signal analysis, supervised or unsupervised automatic recognition of complex acoustic scenes) and possible links with the world of the arts.

Following the presentation, composer Sébastien GAXIE will share with you some recordings resulting from their latest travels and explorations.

All audiences are welcome at Ircam, but you can also follow these presentations (in French) live by joining us on


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