Texture and harmony: a relationship under high tension
Gonzalo Romero-García is a doctoral student in the STMS Musical Representations team (Ircam, Sorbonne University, CNRS, Ministry of Culture). He will present his work on the theme "Texture and harmony: a relationship under high tension".
This event can also be followed on the Ircam YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/live/-EGbZ3Qre70
Abstract: Texture and harmony are two key elements for musical composition: the former manages the time and the later the pitch. Throughout this talk, we will show how we can combine them to rebuild some famous compositions. To do that, we will use the tensor product and some operators coming from Mathematical Morphology. We will start by presenting the mathematical tools we use to establish the musical framework and then use them to generate some classical pieces.
Whereas we will present this in a mathematical way, the computational analogous will be always there. The very point is to show how this theory may serve both for analysis and composition. We will finish with an interactive workshop and a harmonic blind test to illustrate the techniques.