Nicolas Misdariis and Jean-Julien Aucouturier, Perception and Design team, presents:
Sounds4care – Research axis of the PDS team
The "sounds4care" research axis was initially developed within the Perception and Sound Design (PDS) team at the crossroads of an educational action in sound design, conducted jointly with Ensci - Les Ateliers and ESAD TALM Le Mans (2017), and the ERC Cream project (2014-2019), led by Jean-Julien Aucouturier. It is mainly embodied in a collaboration with the GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences (Sainte-Anne Hospital) and presents, to date, two main avenues, potentially concurrent, which will be presented and detailed during the seminar.
On the one hand, a collaboration with hospital researchers of the Neuro Sainte-Anne pole (Pr. Tarek Sharshar, Pr. Martine Gavaret) which focuses on the study of the sound/coma relations and is deployed on 3 main axes: i) functional evaluation of the state of consciousness through sound; ii) adaptive sound ambiences for recovery and anxiolysis; iii) more informative and less anxiogenic sound alarms. This collaboration is currently taking shape through the contribution to the conception of an acoustically controlled neuroreanimation chamber (Jan. 2023), the co-supervision (J.J. Aucouturier - M. Gavaret) of a PhD thesis of a medical neurologist (Estelle Pruvost-Robieux), and recently gave rise to a Vertigo STARTS residency that produced proposals for modulating the anxiety of patients in intensive care through music, ("sounds4coma", Ali Tocher, Joe Acheson - 2019).
On the other hand, a collaboration with members of the Lab-ah - Laboratoire Accueil et Hospitalité (Carine Delanoë-Vieux, Marie Coirié, Coline Fontaine), initiated by an application workshop in sound design and which has since materialized in different actions (in collaboration with Ensci and ESAD Le Mans): the in-situ experimentation of some of the devices imagined during the workshop, the elaboration of a state of the art document on anxiety modulation (Claire Richards, Pierre Navarron), and more broadly, the definition of an action-research framework for a multimodal and multi-sensory sound and music listening device for anxiety modulation. This last component is currently embodied in the setting up of the "Psy-Son" project - within a Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Infirmière et Paramédicale - which aims to study the effectiveness of a temporal and sound space in the nursing management of "crisis" states of patients hospitalized in psychiatry.