Improtech Paris-Athina, the movies !

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Improtech Paris-Athina 2019 (ikPA'19) brought together in Athens the finest artists, musicians, composers and researchers from all over the world, all motivated by the potentialities of co-creative dynamics between humans and machines. With three exceptional concerts at Onassis STEGI concert hall and 3 days of lectures and workshop, ikPA19 is on the cutting edge of today's technology and music.
Finally publicly available, high quality videos fully document this outstanding event.

Concerts Highlights



Retrieve all the ikPA videos :


Retrieve all Conferences videos, Pictures, Posters at ikPA19 web page.

Learn more about Improtech

ikPA19 was brought by IRCAM, Onassis STEGI and University of AthensChairs : Gérard Assayag, Marc Chemillier, Christos Carras, Anastasia Georgaki
Supported by Sorbonne University, CNRS, Ministry of Culture, dJazz, Institut Français.
Improtech is an original concept by Gérard Assayag (Ircam) and March Chemillier (EHESS).

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