Award AFIM Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur for Matéo Fayet, ISMM/PRISM

  • Research

Matéo Fayet has been awarded the Prix "Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur" by the AFIM (Association Francophone d'Informatique Musicale), voted by all participants of the conference JIM (Journées d'Informatique Musicale) 2024, for the article ViVo: Video Analysis for Corpus-based Audio-visual Synthesis.

This research stems from Matéo Fayet's project as part of the Master Acoustique et Musicologie (Aix-Marseille University) in the Sound Music  Movement Interaction team, supervised by Diemo Schwarz and Vincent Tiffon (PRISM/CNSR), and continues the CoCAVS (Concatenative Corpus-based Audio-Visual Synthesis) project started with Diemo Schwarz's residency at the Iméra, institute for advanced studies of Aix-Marseille University.

AFIM pays particular attention to the work of young researchers in computer music. The same is true of CICM, which is organizing the JIM 2023: the research-creation projects carried out there emphasize training through research and the integration of doctoral students.

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