Jean Bresson

I am creating systems for computer-assisted music composition. My activity is essentially centered on the OpenMusic computer-aided composition environment: a visual programming language dedicated to music composition, inheriting from a tradition of tools developed at IRCAM for end-user programming and symbolic music processing. I have worked for several years on the Musique Lab 2 project, a platform for music teaching derived from OpenMusic, commissioned by the French Ministry of Education. My PhD thesis (2007) was about the applications of computer-assisted composition in the field of sound processing and synthesis. I also worked on the control and integration of sound spatialization in compositional processes. More recently, I focused my research on the connections between musical composition and interaction, considering new modalities for the execution of musical processes in a visual programming environment. I am a cofounder and Steering Committee Chair of TENOR, the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, and am part of the Steering Committee of FARM, the ACM workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design.

At Ircam from May 2003 to December 2019



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