Senior computer scientist at CNRS, my work focuses on the development of new programming paradigm based on temporal and spatial relationships. In my previous life, I applied these researches to the modelling and the simulation of biological systems, especially in the field of morphogenesis, at the University of Evry and at Genopole, where I co-founded the IBISC laboratory (Informatics, Integrative Biology and Complex Systems).
Since my arrival at IRCAM (January 2011), my work has focused on the representation and manipulation of musical objects, for musical analysis, composition and performance on stage. I am especially interested in the specification of real-time interactions involving fine temporal relationships during performances, in the context of the Antescofo system used for the production of mixed music pieces at IRCAM and elsewhere in the world. This technology benefits everyone today, thanks to the creation of a spinoff. I participated with Arshia Cont in the creation of the INRIA MuTAnt project-team within the RepMus team and I am also deputy director of the joint research lab Ircam-CNRS-Sorbonne University.
Extrait de "Tesla ou l'effet d'étrangeté"
Extrait de « Tesla ou l'effet d'étrangeté", pour alto et électronique en temps-réel, composé par Julia Blondeau qui poursuit une thèse en composition musicale. Ses travaux repose sur l’utilisation du système Antescofo pour contrôler l’électronique en temps réels en accord avec les musiciens humains. Sur l’écran de l’ordinateur on peut apercevoir les mouvements de spatialisation et une partie des données envoyées aux processus de synthèses en synchronisation avec le musicien.