Laura Zattra holds PhDs in Musicology from the Sorbonne University and Trento University and is the author of Live-Electronic Music. Composition, Performance and Study (with F. Sallis, V. Bertolani and I. Burle, 2018), Renata Zatti. Invenzione Musicale (critical edition, 2012); Studiare la Computer Music. Definizioni, analisi, fonti (2011); Presenza storica di Luigi Nono – Historical presence of Luigi Nono (with A.I. De Benedictis, 2011); Vent'anni di musica elettronica all'università di Padova. Il Centro di sonologia computazionale (with S. Durante, 2002). She was Senior Researcher at the University of Padova from 2006 to 2012, and has been Research Associate at the Analysis of Musical Practices Research Group, IRCAM-CNRS (Paris) since 2012. She is Adjunct Professor at the Conservatory of Music in Parma, and in the Department of Film Music at the Music Conservatoire in Rovigo (Italy), and co-editor-in-chief of the journal Musica/Tecnologia, (Firenze University Press).
At Ircam since June 2012
Photo: © Yann Geslin