Nicolas Misdariis

I’m a research director and the head of Ircam STMS Lab / Sound Perception & Design team. I’m graduated since 1993 from CESTI-Supmeca, an engineering school specialized in mechanics. Then, I got my Master thesis on acoustics at Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine (LAUM, Le Mans) and my PhD at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM – Paris) on the following topic : synthesis/reproduction/perception of musical and environmental sounds. Then, I recently defended my HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), affiliated to the Technolgy University of Compiègne (UTC) on the topic of Sciences of Sound Design. I’ve been working at Ircam as a researcher since 1995. I contributed in 1999 to the introduction of sound design at Ircam (Sound Design team /L. Dandrel), and to its evolution in 2004 (SPD team /P. Susini). During these years, I especially developed research works and industrial applications related to sound synthesis and reproduction, environmental sound and soundscape perception, auditory display, human-machine interfaces (HMI), interactive sonification and sound design. Since 2010, I’m also a lecturer in the Sound Design Master at the Fine Arts School of Le Mans (ESBA TALM, Le Mans).


LeCube : Premier prototype de Timée (source à directivité contrôlable)
© P. Gontier
Nicolas Misdariis et René Caussé dans le labo 7 de l'Ircam en 1996
© Myr Muratet
Concept-car Zoe (Renault) : design sonore du véhicule électrique

Un designer sonore au parc de Belleville

Interview with Tae-Hong Park, artist in residency

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