Philippe Esling

Philippe Esling received an MSc in Acoustics, Signal Processing and Computer Science in 2009 and a PhD on multiobjective time series matching in 2012. He was a post-doctoral fellow in the department of Genetics and Evolution at the University of Geneva in 2012. He is now an associate professor with tenure at IRCAM, Paris 6 since 2013. In this short time span, he authored and co-authored over 15 peer-reviewed journal papers in prestigious journals such as ACM Computing Surveys, Publications of the National Academy of Science, IEEE TSALP and Nucleic Acids Research. He received a young researcher award for his work in audio querying in 2011 and a PhD award for his work in multiobjective time series data mining in 2013.

In applied research, he developed and released the first computer-aided orchestration software called Orchids, commercialized at fall 2014 and already used by a wide community of composer. He directed six Masters interns, a C++ developer for a full year, and is currently directing two PhD students. He is the lead investigator in time series mining at IRCAM, main collaborator in the international France-Canada SSHRC partnership and the supervisor of an international workgroup on orchestration.

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