
  • Finished Projects

The central idea of the LEGOS project is to fertilize interdisciplinary expertise in sonic gesture control technologies with neurosciences, especially in regards to sensori-motor learning. We believe that these aspects are not sufficiently taken into account in the development of interactive sound systems. A better understanding of the sensori-motor learning mechanisms of the gesture / sound coupling is necessary to provide efficient methodologies for their evaluation and optimization. Such advances would significantly expand the usability of today’s gesture-based interactive sound systems, often developed empirically.

Project Description & Goals

The objective of the LEGOS project is to study systematically the coupling quality in gesture-sound systems using gestural interfaces. For this, we will evaluate the sensori-motor learning, and particularly its evolution over time, in various interactive devices. The aims are therefore to develop, evaluate, and compare interactive systems, with the mid-term goal of offering renewed paradigms for gestural interfaces control of digital media (including video games and sound design), as well as prototypes for medical applications such as rehabilitation.

The project will use extensively an experimental approach, considering these three perspectives:

  • Sound Control: The first point corresponds to a case of sensori-motor learning where the goal is to produce a given sound through the manipulation of a gestural interface, as in the case of digital musical instruments. The sensori-motor learning is assessed in terms of the quality of the sound production.
  • Learning Gesture with Audio Feedback: This second point corresponds to the sensori-motor learning where the goal is to make a gesture guided by an audio feedback. The sensori-motor learning in this case is assessed in terms of the gesture repeatability.
  • Interactive Sound Design: This third point corresponds to sensori-motor learning in the case of tangible interfaces, where the goal is the proper handling of an object. The sensori-motor learning in this case is assessed through the quality of the objet manipulation for a given use.

Project reference: ANR-11-BS02-012-01.

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