
AudioSculpt uses a graphical approach to “sculpt” (to modify) a sound file. After a phase of analysis, the user modifies the analysis’ result directly, using only a mouse to apply the desired changes to the sound. Several types of analysis of the spectral content are shown and the user can modify the sound several different ways. The main types of sound modification include filtering, moving segments of the sonogram in time and frequency, or applying one of the numerous high-quality transformations available.


Composition, sound design, post-production, movies, multimedia, acoustics, education, musicology, ethnomusicology, etc.

Main Features

  • Sound representation – Sound file at a glance, zoom from overall amplitude envelope down to sample level, sonogram, spectral envelope, processing sequencer
  • Sound analysis – LPC, True envelope, fundamental frequency, partial following, virtual pitch, estimation of time positions, tools for listening to specific parts of spectrum and showing harmonic relationships
  • Annotation: text, segment, and MIDI notes can be added on the sonogram
  • Sound processing – a sequencer makes it possible to group several tracks, each with different processing, and to listen to their effects in real-time before finalizing the result
  • Filtering – directly on the sonogram using a pencil or eraser or by specifying with the mouse the points forming a polygon. Manual source separation and “denoising” is possible. Compression/expansion – allows modification of the length of a sound without changing its pitch or timbre and preserving the quality of the attack and transient
  • Transposition – using a specific editor the user can transpose a sound without loss of data or quality of sound
  • Denoising – spectral subtraction with estimated noise interpolation
  • Cross synthesis – application of spectral data of one sound to another sound in order to make a spectral transition from one sound to another or an hybrid sound
  • Partial synthesis – creation of a new sound from partials found by one of the analysis
  • Collage – sound zones defined in terms of their timefrequency can be copied and pasted
  • Listening – transformations can be heard in real-time. The scrub mode enables navigation in a sound at any speed
  • Bpf curves – users can draw curves directly on the sonogram or on the waveform to control processing

Technical Features and Configuration

AudioSculpt is based on a vocoder Sound Analysis & Synthesis engine called SuperVP, which provides the means for performing most analyses and sound modifications. Sinusoidal Sound Analysis & Synthesis is performed in AudioSculpt using the Pm2 tool. AudioSculpt is the intuitive interface that allows access to SuperVP. The user can load text files containing commands addressed directly to SuperVP. AudioSculpt is compatible with high-quality multi-track sounds (up to 32-bit integer of floating/192kHz) and uses SDIF format for analyses, which can be exchanged with other software programs.


Macintosh on Mac OSX (10.5 or higher). Compatible with AIFF/ AIFC, WAV, and Sound Designer II and more.

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