Concatenative corpus-based synthesis uses a database of recorded sounds and an algorithm for the selection of units that makes it possible to choose the segments of the database in order to synthesize by concatenation a musical sequence. The selection is based on the characteristics of the recording that are obtained by an analysis of the signal and other features, such as the pitch, energy, or spectrum.
Using this new approach of sound synthesis by the CataRT system in real-time enables an interactive exploration of a sound base in real-time and a targeted granular composition with specific sound characteristics. This makes it possible for composers and musician to reach new sounds, and for sound designers to quickly explore a large sound corpus.
CataRT exists as a standalone application or as modular system implemented in Max with the MuBu extensions. Interaction relies on a simple interface made up of a 2D projection of the descriptors and a navigation through which grains can be selected and played through geometric proximity. This navigation can be controlled with a mouse, external controllers (multi-touch pads, joysticks, cameras), or with the analysis of the audio signal.
Interactive musical and multimedia works, sound design, new instruments, searches in sound databases
Main applications
- Audio import with segmentation and automatic analysis
- Analysis, visualization, and sound interaction
- Analysis data export
- Composition via interactive navigation in a descriptor space
- Mixing and juxtaposition of massive amounts of sound samples
- Flexibility of granular synthesis
- MIDI compatibility
- Efficient interactive browsing of events or particularities in several or in long recordings, parasite noise separation
- Application Version: Mac OS 10.6 or higher. Universal binary, compatible Mac Intel
- Modular Version: Mac OS 10.10 or higher or PC Windows with Max and the MuBu package
Audio File Formats
- Up to 32-bit/192 kHz integer and floating point: AIFF, AIFC, WAV, FLAC, AAC, MP3
- SDIF files for importing segmentation markers from AudioSculpt
- MIDI files for importing segmentation and pitch annotation
- Text files for importing segmentation and label annotation (Audacity, for example)