
OpenMusic (OM) is a visual programming environment for creating computer aided composition applications. OpenMusic offers users the possibility of graphical construction for processing procedures or generation of musical data with the assistance of numerous graphical modules and predefined functions, assembled in visual programs. Programs can then be integrated within each other, producing structures that are more and more elaborate. Today, OpenMusic is taught in the world’s major computer-music centers and several universities in Europe and the United States.

Main Features

  • Graphical construction of functional programs (abstractions/application modes, higher-order functions, conditional structures, iterations, etc.)
  • High-level functions for the creation and transformation of musical structures (e.g. pitch, rhythm, etc.)
  • Algorithmic data manipulation in MIDI, audio, and SDIF formats, communication with OSC
  • Graphical editors: score editing functions for traditional and proportional music notation (with import and export to main software programs), 2D and 3D curves, and
    breakpoint functions
  • Mathematical tools for analysis and composition
  • “Maquettes”: a graphical editor that makes it possible to give a temporal and hierarchical form to visual programs

Specialized Libraries

  • LZ: statistical analysis and generation of improvised music
  • Esquisse: spectral and frequency functions
  • OMRC: programming rhythmic constraints
  • OMCS: programming by generalized constraints
  • Repmus: The Music Representation Team’s function collection
  • Profile: manipulates harmonic profiles and contours
  • Morphologie: number and symbol sequence analysis functions
  • OMChaos: use of fractal functions
  • OMAlea: random functions
  • OM2Csound: sound synthesis / generating scores for Csound
  • OM-SuperVP: for sound analysis, processing, and synthesis with SuperVP
  • OM-Pm2: additive analysis / synthesis with Pm2
  • OM-Diph: creation of dictionaries and scripts for the Diphone synthesizer
  • OM-Chant: control the Chant synthesizer
  • OM-Spat: spatialize sound sources with Spat
  • OMChroma: high-level structures to control sound synthesis

Technical Features and Platforms

Programming based on Common Lisp.
Available for MacOS, Windows, Linux.
Open Source Distribution: LGPL license.

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