
Panoramix is a post-production workstation for 3D-audio contents. This tool offers a comprehensive environment for mixing, reverberating, and spatializing sound materials from different microphone systems: main tree, spot microphones, Higher Order Ambisonics capture. Several 3D spatialization techniques (VBAP, HOA, binaural) can be combined and mixed simultaneously in different formats. Panoramix also provides conventional features found in other mixing tools (equalizer, compressor/expander, grouping parameters, routing of input/output signals, etc.), and it can be controlled entirely via the Open Sound Control protocol.

Main features

  • up to 128 input / 64 output channels
  • unlimited number of tracks (mono, multichannel, Ambisonic microphones, etc.)
  • unlimited number of spatialization buses (VBAP 2-D and 3-D, Higher-Order Ambisonic 2-D and 3-D, binaural, stereo, etc.)
  • artificial reverberation based on Ircam Spat engine
  • grouping of parameters
  • parametric equalizer, compressor, expander available on each track and bus
  • flexible routing of input channels and buses
  • up to six bus send for each track
  • highly optimized rendering (low CPU)
  • OSC remote control
  • supports HRTF file under the AES-69 SOFA format

Available for MacOS, Windows, Linux.

More info


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