Journée Gdr ISIS - Action Audio
Thursday 16 November 2023
- Ircam
Thursday 16 November 2023
- Ircam
Wednesday 15 November 2023
- Ircam
Soutenance de thèse : Gonzalo ROMERO-GARCÍA « Morphologie mathématique pour l'analyse et la génération de représentations temps-fréquen…
Tuesday 14 November 2023
- Ircam
A l'occasion de ce séminaire, l'équipe Représentations musicales du Laboratoire STMS vous invite à rencontrer Dmitri Tymoczko, enseignant de l'université d…
Tuesday 14 November 2023
- Ircam
For this seminar, the Musical Representations team of the STMS Laboratory (Ircam, Sorbonne University, CNRS, Ministry of Culture) invites you to meet Dmitri Tymoczko, a lecturer at Princeton Universi…
Friday 20 October 2023
- Institut national du patrimoine
Loïc Forma, a doctoral student at CY Cergy Paris Université, completed his thesis at the SATIE and STMS laboratories (Ircam-Sorbonne Université-CNRS-Ministère de la Culture), the Musée de la musique …
Wednesday 18 October 2023
- Ircam
Daniel Bedoya, a doctoral student at Sorbonne University and beneficiary of an EDITE contract, completed his thesis on "Capturing musical prosody through interactive audiovisual annotations" within t…
Wednesday 4 October 2023
- Ircam
MERCREDIS DE STMS welcome Laetitia Sonami, one of the pioneers of gestural interaction for musical performance.Invited by ISIR and the STMS Interaction son musique mouvement team (Ircam, Sorbonne Uni…
Résumé The candidate will integrate the RepMus team of the STMS lab. His/her research will consist in carrying out work likely to renew strategies and methods in the field of a…
Thursday 21 September 2023
- Ircam
Frederik Bous has written his thesis on "A neural voice transformation framework for modification of pitch and intensity" as part of the Analysis Synthesis Team at the STMS Laboratory (Ircam - CNRS -…